A Realisation....

17 long years...ummm..almost 18 yrs in this wicked world i have lived..yet only yesterday did i first realise one thing which i feel i should have had long time ago...

Something which makes no sense to most people..yet a very sensible thing if you really understand its essence...dont know how to explain but still its worth a try...

To put it in simple mathematical terms..the greatest difference is between '0' and '1'...and certainly not between any other randomly picked whole numbers. This may sound pretty weird to normal senses as the difference between '0' and '1' is only a mere 'unity' but this unity itself matters more than any other magnitude you coin up...it is different than the difference between '3' and '4' or may be '56' and '57'..its certainly different because its the difference between 'nothing' and 'something'; the difference between 'void' and 'filled'..its more than anything else..its a new entity itself..this very special difference of 'unity'.

If i try to explain..i will be perhaps undertaking the most difficult job that one can ever do...for its a strange idea but if we try and relate it to some of the most interesting things in life..i guess we will get hold of it...


What is the only difference between a virgin and a non-virgin???
Its the first time encounter with that god-damned three lettered word...a pleasure for which most people are living on this world...
aint it??? Well..thinking properly..its the first time that really matters...if you havent had any experiences that is you are at "0" count, you are a virgin..but if its not "0", you arent.. u actually lose your virginity in the very first time itself..after that it hardly matters whether its 1 or 100..its really the first time that matters most i.e. the difference between '0' and '1' experience(s), which gives you a complete new dimension, a new word to describe yourself..this difference is the one i am scribbling all about...
if it sounds crap to anyone i cant help...help yourself..

Thats all...as i said...excuse my pervert senses..but the example was important to get the message through...hope you dont mind..no offence intended...

Chew upon it...relate it to yourselves..n lemme know...


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